Thursday, September 07, 2006


my head is all clammy and closed off
i think it stilted senctences
and breathe from my mouth
my hands are freezing,
my feet too hot,
and i think i have a cold.

i like imaigining where i'd be
if i were at school today.
is it fourth period yet?
or am i still in child dev.,
learning about the reproductive cycle?
what did i miss at lunch,
what clever jokes could i have made,
which now must flow through and out my mind
untill another day,
perhaps tomorrow,
when i shall go to school.

my phone is dead
and i feel like someone has cut off my hand
my right hand, no less, leaving me
only the dirty left.
what time is it:? i don't know.
what am i supposed to do today?
i don't know.
i hate this life.

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