Saturday, June 09, 2007

Swinging: An Epic

I. The Girl

My hands chafe already
the callous of a ten year old long fallen
into their epidurmal graveyard.
I kick against the ground and rise
rise into the blue sunshine.

II. The Revelutionary

Thoughts gather inside me--
whole armies lined up straight--
and they are itching for battle,
cascading into the boom of a canon
as I decide, once for all,
I will change the world
falling back into the arms of the wind
kicking down the walls of gravity.

III. The Girl, Again

My legs caress the clouds
and my head soars like Icarus and Daedalus.
My backyard is so real this far up
and as I fall back into it
I can see the future.

IV. Last

I rise.
I fall.

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